Friday, November 13, 2009


I used to look back my past... whatever things in the past will be part of my memories... I love to read all my blog post in the past; I love to read all comments in my facebook no matter how long does the comment took place; I love to look at my past photos in my album... It reminds me of my every single moment in life...

Throughout all these year, I had met different people.. Some of them still keep in touch, some of them had become part of my memories, some are became history and some are no longer here...

Today, again, I looked back all the photos in my facebook... And the comments as well, it makes me feel blessed.. Some post are funny and some post gave us an 'unforgetable' memories.... I feel that friends had never leave me alone here...

Treasure and enjoy every moment you have now... This is what I learned from life~~

Friday, November 6, 2009


农历九月十四, 公公离开了我们。。 爸爸应该是最伤心的吧。。 毫无预警之下, 就离开了。。几天前还接到公公的电话, 事隔不到一星期公公九一去不回头了。。。

我想老爸的心里一定很遗憾, 为什么没能在公公有生之年多多孝敬他, 好好陪陪他。。 我只知道老爸眼眶湿了, 但却没有哭出来。。 我在旁边看了很心酸。。。

丧礼上没有太多的哭声, 也没有太多的哀愁,只有大家不停的忙出忙进。。 直到送殡之日, 才听到大家的哭声, 因为大家都知道这是大家能陪公公走的最后一段路。。也是最后一次了。。。

公公断气时, 没有人在身旁送终, 有的只是身穿白袍的医生, 公公没能等的及子女来送终就走了, 子女们带着遗憾和悲痛的心情带着白天还活生生的公公, 晚上却包着白布的公公回到老家。。。

公公的离开, 对他而言是一种解脱吧, 不必再受病魔折磨, 不必再受皮肉之苦。。