Wednesday, August 26, 2009

老歌经典回顾part 4~天空

这首歌, 每回听起时, 心里就有种酸酸的感觉。。。 苦涩, 应该能这样形容吧… 这首歌是我和他分手时听到的, 所以对这首歌印象非常深刻。。当时是三更半夜, 分手后的那夜晚, 这首歌的旋律一直在耳边响起, 失眠与这首歌一直陪我到天亮, 真的整夜都没合上眼睛。。。 那一晚,我的脑袋一片空白, 一滴眼泪也掉不出来。。。就这样,我再也不愿听见这首歌,深怕那晚的感觉再度吞噬我的灵魂。。。 直到很多年后, 偶然听见这首歌时, 已是不同的感觉了。。。 是我成长了吗?还是我看开了?




15 Malaysia - Halal

This one quite funny also... Satu daging satu Malaysia..haha...

15 Malaysia - House

Here is another short video in 15 Malaysia series... Everybody has a dream.. 人因梦想而伟大。。。

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


心里有好多好多结, 一直打不开。。
想找个人诉苦, 但是却开不了口。。

折翼的梦想, 是否就再也不能起飞了呢?
该向残酷的现实低头吗?我做不到, 我不甘心, 我的自尊心不容许我这么做。。。

我需要的只是一些鼓励的话, 而不是让我更气馁打击我士气的话。。
也许你不能帮上我什么忙, 我也不曾期许你能帮上什么。。
我只是想将心里的想法说出来而已,是否能当我在发牢骚, 包容我呢?
一盘冷水浇下来, 我的心也凉了一半, 没什么好再说的。。
平常就不太爱说心里话的我,好不容易开了口, 却被挡了下来。。。
要不是憋在心里久了, 难受了,我也不会那么轻易开口。。
有时我在想, 难道我就只有这里可以宣泄吗?


Saturday, August 22, 2009


不知怎么的, 今夜的我想起你了。。 忙忙碌碌的过了三个月, 从离别到现在, 不知不觉已三个月了。。 失去联络的你, 还好吗?我现在的心情, 我自己也说不出是什么滋味, 像是心有千千结, 纠在心口说不出来。。总有一种悬在半空的感觉, 摇摇欲坠,似乎想抓住什么似的。。。

没别的, 只是想问你最近还好吗?

It has been almost 3 months... How are you recently? I am still the same.. Whenever I need strength, I will think of you.... Thinking of you gives me courage and I feel that you are just beside me...

I just wonder why we are not meeting each other at the right time? Maybe fate has decide for us... Or maybe we just need a little bit courage to grab each other?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I used to claim myself as Happy Go Lucky Girl.. but sometimes, I have doubt to myself.. Is it true that I am really happy? Or I just pretend I am happy.... I really don't know about it...

I need strength, miracle plus some encouragement to complete my proposal. I had set high expectation to my proposal and this has caused me cannot step out the first step. I know I should not demand too high from myself but I just could not stop myself to go for perfect. Even is not perfect at least is something outstanding, something extraordinary....


15 Malaysia - The Tree

Third Video clip of 15Malaysia Series..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

15 Malaysia - Chocolate

Here is the second film on this 15 Malaysia series... Chocolate by Yasmin Ahmad.. The girl is the same girl who act as Orked in Sepet.. Too bad, the guy did not act in this film...

Monday, August 17, 2009

15 Malaysia

15 Malaysia is a short film project which directed by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. It's kinda funny and one of the film is directed by Yasmin Ahmad which believe that this was her last film product.

Here is the first one. 'Potong Saga' by Ho Yuhang...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


我有很多缺点, 但我的朋友们还是很关心我。。 让我很感动, 也让我很内疚, 更让我讨厌自己。。。

感动的是, 身边有一群一直对我不离不弃的朋友, 总是在我情绪低落时, 鼓励我, 安慰我。。。内疚的是老是让关心我的人担心。。。

我讨厌自己的抗压能力, 为什么小小挫折就不能接受, 为什么就不能包容一些些得不完美。。。为什么眼泪那么不听话, 就重做罢了, 为什么要觉得委屈? 小小挫折而以,没什么大不了!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Happy Convocation 2009

Today, 080809 is our MMU 10th Convocation. Most of my friends are graduating this year.. but not for me.... mine one have to wait until next sad about it..

This year is my first year to attend MMU Convocation but also as a support staff for the ceremony...hehe.. a really good experience for me also... Next year, I wont go for the rehearsal already because this year I had attend it..wuahaha..

To all my dear friends,

Congratulations to all of you.. Wish you guys best of luck... Last but not least.. Happy Convocation!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Midterm Break to MMUians but not me...

Every morning on my way to work, I will saw some students are rushing for their class but not for this week as MMU starts her midterm break already. This is the saddest part of internship, we do not have midterm break like what we used to have... But, we had our Week 7 without midterm, test, quiz, and assignment!!! Yeah...*victory* One thing I not happy with is that all food stall is closed... I am craving for food!!!!

So fast, I only left about 4 weeks for my internship program... 14 weeks of internship and I already gone through 10 weeks. A lot of chances and challenges has given to me. And so far, I still managed to cope it. I get along well with my colleagues.. Everyday is a happy day.. My colleagues ask me why I having a smile everyday in office.. I cant answer him because I just feeling happy... haha...

Today finally know who is my site visit supervisor.. Thank God, I got Dr Lai as my site visit supervisor... Hope I wont mess up with my presentation later..

To Li Wanniang, hope your face recover soon lar.. dun become pig head can already.. later i cant recognize you..wuahaha...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


妈妈说:欸,佩珊, 明天是你的华人生日哦。。
我说:哦, den, 我今天都回kl了,你要帮我庆祝啊?还是你要我明天自己煮红鸡蛋来吃。。哈哈。。

That conversation between my mum and I.. Hehe, my mum still remember my lunar birthday is tomorrow while I did not realize it at all.. I know my mum do cares us a lot.. I also know that my mum wish me to go back JB to work... I know my mum wish all of us can stay together like what we used to lived under one roof...


Life is just like that, It does not goes smooth as what you plan. It does not happen as what you expect it to be... There are always uncertainty... The moment you say goodbye to me.. My eyes are red, your face turn into blur as my tear in my eyes.. I know I can't fulfill your wish by coming back to JB once I complete my degree.... I need to stay here for my further studies.. I need to stay here for my future career advancement...

I know you put in a lot efforts on us and hoping us to get a bright future. After you had put in so much of effort, we can't even fulfill your simple wish.. I am sorry, mum... really sorry about that.. I promise give me few years time, I will back to JB, back to your side...
Thank you so much for your efforts and attention to me..... Love....

An wonderful nights with you guys...

Tonight managed to gather with some of my friends. As usual, our gathering full with joy and laugh...

Sometimes, I really wonder why we can maintain our friendship so well.. A lots of my friends have been asking me this question.. Like today, I think we have almost 2 months did not meet with each other. But, the feeling is just like did not meet with each other for 2 days only.. There are lots of topic for us to share...

One thing I like our gathering is we don't really need to care each other feeling.. No matter how we 'kena cuci', we are just 'steady'... We will not get angry or get hurt because of that... I guess not many people can do it..

I think almost all of our friends will continue to further study and few of them will starts working.. Susuling and keong has started their master in UTM. and Keong say he very stress about it.. haha.. Keong you always stress for your study one hor?? No need stress one de lar.. you always doing well in your studies one ma.. You should feel stress when you cant get your girlfriend lor...haha.. Susuling, I guess you wont break record again de hor??

Jia, you are going to Taiwan to further your master soon.. I guess this probably will be our last gathering before you go to Taiwan... Must always miss us and keep in touch ya... Too bad, next gathering will have less one person already...

Paien, you.. PhD.. You are the first to get Dr. title among us.. Once you get your Dr. haha.. believe me.. you no need think of boyfriend already..wuahaha.. Dr. Goh... Dr. Goh... never mind lar, I guess next time gathering you arrange lar.. Oops.. not gathering is lian2yi2..haha..

Weiket, you are not bad one lor actually... Your look not bad, very highly educated, don't worry lar.. hehe... Kenyong, you also not bad one.. Just a little bit quiet lor.. Sok hui, really long time did not meet you already.. Next time, must join our gathering ohh...

KAREN KEE, why today give me aeroplane... Give me some explainations!!!! Wanniang Li, too bad you cant join us... Else, we will have more funs and laughter....

Lastly, sorry to my friends.. I cant attend you guys mia convocation.. Congratulations and best of luck.... Love you guys.. Muacks.....

p/s: wanniang, this time no photo bacause no one bring camera..haha...