Sunday, March 15, 2009

Garbage Enzyme

You might wonder what is garbage enzyme. Let tells you what garbage enzyme is.... READY for our journey??? Here we go!!!!

Garbage Enzyme
~ complex organic substance of protein chains and mineral salts and juvenile hormones.
~ as a result of catalysis, the ozone is produced to reduce carbon dioxide which helps to fight global warming
~ can be produced easily with organic waste from our kitchen

Now, have you get a clear picture on Garbage Enzyme?? Maybe you are wondering now, what is the function of garbage enzyme... Yes, a perfect question!!! You may use it in your daily life such as........

Usage of Garbage Enzyme

In your house:~
~ household cleaning liquid
~ remove foul odour, molds, grime in the kitchen and toilet
~ as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent
~ drive away insects
~ clean carpets and remove ticks
~ laundry washing and ironing
~ mopping floors
~cleaning cars

How to do it?

First, you need a plastic bottle, brown sugar, and some unwanted fruit skin or organic waste from kitchen.

1 part of brown sugar + 3 parts of kitchen waste + 10 parts of water

Take Note: In the first month of fermentation, you will need to open the cap to release the gas out else the bottle will burst....

After 3 months, the enzyme are ready to use!!!

Note: The residual can be reused again for next round by adding new garbage or it can be dried, blended and buried in the ground as fertilizer.

Here are some useful link if you are interested to know more about garbage enzyme.
Here for Green Club MMU.
Here for Juslife Group


Wei Ket said...

Actually the ozone produced will also contribute to global warming. It is a green house gas also.

Puis@n said...

really a? I don't know wor.. coz this is what i heard from the talks and from some website... you know why this will happen? can explain abit?

Wei Ket said...

It can deflect the UV light from sun, of coz can deflect the infrared light from earth and thus increase the temperature. High concentration of ozone is actually bad for us.

Puis@n said...

Oic... ask u one very silly question.. is the ozone gas we produced from garbage enzyme same as ozone layer?

Wei Ket said...

Same la = = But it is useless if it is on earth surface but not on ozone layer