Saturday, March 14, 2009

Green Week 2009~ In a nutshell

Finally, all the updates on Green Week 2009 are posted...

The events is perfectly match with its theme and also our tag line 'Green For Life'. Just a little bit imperfect. Perhaps next time we can do some improvements in our food fair. Instead of using styrofoam to serve food why not we bring our plastic container to serve food?

Quoted from someone says that: "Inside, we're promoting recycling. Outside, we're creating rubbish." ( No offense)

Why we are creating rubbish? Why we concern on our own convenience only while we know that we suppose not to do so?? I think is time for us to have a Say NO to Plastic and Styrofoam campaign for a better future.

To all my beloved Greenies,
Together we build an eco-campus in MMU. Our environment needs your helping hands.. :)


Jia Xing said...

"Perhaps next time we can do some improvements in our food fair. Instead of using styrofoam to serve food why not we bring our plastic container to serve food?"

Totally agree.

I felt guilty after what I've done with using all those plastic and polystyrene. I'm such a bad example.

I like your idea of using our own container. But then again, we can't stop the vendors from bringing in plastic and polystyrene or anything they want.

Is it possible not to let them bring in any plastic and polystyrene?

Puis@n said...

There will be no more outside vendors coming into our campus starting from 1st of April...... Now the problem lies with student themselves and MMU vendors only..

If every student willing to use their own container to serve food, I think the vendor also not going to spend on extra cost for the plastic. So the problem solved. But the problem is how many students willing to do so??

Maybe we try another way round.. By charging higher cost for those use the plastic bags and polystyrene,den less for those who use their own container. The problems rise again... Students starts complaining saying that this is our right, why charge more to us??

Again, education and awareness are the basic if we really wants to change student's mindset.

Green Club do have this idea to ban plastic bags and polystyrene before but it was not success at the time and we starts up with awareness campaign.

Not long in the future, Green Club will be able to turn the idea into real action as we already done the awareness campaign.

p/s: not only you, I also always forgot to bring my own container go campus. I really saw somebody bring their own container to buy food. Thumbs up and big clap for those who actually do so...

Cheers for Eco-Campus with plastic bags and polystyrene free....