Monday, September 28, 2009


Kazee~在Taman Gaya 的一间新开的Cafe。。蛮适合三五人的聚会

强, 你把冷这张拍到很好看,快点跟他收钱。。哈哈


this one forced by tech keong... (spoil my market)


从我回来的第一天开始, 我就加入了夜夜笙歌的行列。。 那时是我最夸张的一次,因为我还没到家门口, 就已经收到通知晚上要出门了, 而且还是一出就出到天亮才回家。。 那天是九月十二日,开始了我们大家的夜夜笙歌之旅。。。

夜夜笙歌第一篇在Taman Pelangi的 Station 1。。。 玩得开心, 玩得尽兴, 最夸张的是在Station 1 结束后,四个八公八婆竟然在mamak档聊天聊到四点多才回家。。 第一篇才算是结束了。。

再来,星期二那天去看了场电影~Tsunami, 好好看哦。。前半段笑料百出,后半段看得我眼泪直流。。 死weiket一直破坏我看戏的mood.。。依然不改的是晚上大家还是去了一场‘意见交流会’。。哈哈。。美其名叫‘意见交流会’,实际上也只是一般八公八婆在聊是非。。哈哈。。

再来, 就度过了平静的星期三和星期四,同时努力的在充电。。为的是星期五那天继续尽情的玩。。也还好啦,那天我们三个也没做什么啦。。就是聊天聊到五点而已咯。。那间cafe其实还算不错啦,没去过的人可以去一次看看,气氛还蛮不错的。。店名叫Kazee...

哈哈。。不到二十四小时的时间,我们又见面了, 同样的三个人, 又在电影院碰头了。。 看了A perfect Gateway, 满血腥的电影,还有就是cut了很多!! 而且是cut 到很明显的那种。。超讨厌的。。。 这一次,我们很乖哦。。都没有聊到很夜哦。。在磨力点子吃饭而已,很早就回家了哦,因为我肚子很痛, 不知是不是吃到太多冷的东西。。。

昨夜,我们又继续我们的夜夜笙歌第三篇, 去了我没去过的Yummy吃火锅。。强真得很糟糕咯,他连kakak都要仙咯。。 不懂是不是诞生二十三年的后遗症。。哈哈。。。在Yummy吃了火锅后,就去了天上人间唱歌。。 不是我要说咯, 天上人间真的没有让我想去第二次的感觉咯。。臭死了, 而且歌又老到不行。。。不过夜夜笙歌的第三篇, 我们的男生朋友都很有艳福咯。。 也是我们女生朋友最黑暗的一次。。 在这里,我就不说啦。。大家看Facebook夜夜笙歌第三篇就懂了。。haiz, 他们spoilt 了我们的market!!

这一次我回来玩得特别开心, 而且完全没牵挂的那种。也许是, 这一次是毕业了的关系吧, 玩的时候不会想到有课业的烦恼,没有等待考试成绩放榜的忧虑。。每天想的就是要去哪里玩。。朋友们, 认识你们是我这辈子的福气, 认识了最长的有十年,最短的也有五年了。。算是蛮长一段时间了,也经历了不少考验,虽然聚少离多,但友情还是能保持得那么好。。我相信我们的友情还会度过很多个十年的。。

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to Syjia...

911 is my friend, yang wei ket's birthday...

913 is my friend tay sy jia's birthday...

915 is my friend goh pai en's birthday...

Don't be surprise.. this month still got many friends birthday somemore.. Just that I did not mention here.. hehe.. I did not mentioned that does not mean that I forget wor.. hehe...

By the way, I manage to come back on staurday and coincident I manage to join Weiket and Syjia birthday celebration.. We had our dinner at somewhere is Perling.. Erm, this village is really very 'ulu'!! I had a feeling that teck keong want to sell me off to orang asli!!!!! W e go out at 8pm and reach there at 9.30pm... Eh.. no.. I should tell you guys what we had ate!! We ate 10 plates of rice while we only have 5 peoples!!!

Don't misunderstanding.. Not me, not susuling, not sokhui eat dat much also.. we only able to finish 1 plate.. Guess who is the hunger ghost?? Bingo!! is chu teckeong and weiket!!! wakakaka...

After that we go to sing K and we come out with this video.. Although the video is not that clear ( is not clear at all >.<) but still can hear our voice very clearly..Hope syjia you will like it.. By the way, I will try to get weiket that video also and upload here as well... hehe..

献给远在台湾的思嘉。。。。小小礼物,不承敬意。。 愿你喜欢。。。

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Internship days ~ Final Episode

Finally my internship comes to the end... Last day of working in RMC, I end up with nothing much work to do.. erm, can say I did not do anything also. My boss got MC today and other colleagues went for training.

Here, officially end of my degree studies journey and yet a new chapter are begin soon. I am kind of mixed feeling here.. I was excited to enter into working world, can't wait to challenge up myself and see how strong am I after so many years of preparation. At the same time, I feel a bit worried... I scared that I might not perform as what I expect for myself and also my superior's expectation.

No matter how, I will try my best to overcome it and hopefully by end of the year I can secure a job and also starts my Master degree. God Bless...





Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Internship days~part 4

Yeah, soon I'm going to finish my internship days with RMC MMU....

Everything is just like happened yesterday and in fact I had gone through 14 weeks in RMC... Phew.. its amazing...

Basically, during this 14 weeks I learned a lot and I quite enjoy with the work also. I get along well with my colleagues and able to handle the task given to me. I can work independently without much supervision. Haha.. I enjoy this most because I can online as I want, I can chat through YM and MSN anytime during the work...

3 more days, I will be officially finish my internship and officially become jobless~~~ Yeah... after 6 months I can proudly announce that I have contributed to Malaysia unemployment rate!!! yeah...

Haha.. Anyway, after this there will be a totally brand new journey awaiting for me ahead. Wish me best of luck, good luck, all the best and whatever as long as can bless me can get a good job and bright future...

p/s: Good Luck to Karen Kee.. I know you need this very very much.. All the best ya...
: Syjia, wish you all the best in Taiwan.. great to hear that you are fine in Taiwan now...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Luck Syjia

Today, got a message from one of my friends.. Message is text as below:

Miss u all bye bye ~ (crying face)

Yup, it is from Syjia.. She is going to Taiwan today to further her studies. Sorry my dear, I cant back JB for the farewell gathering and sorry for not joining you in Times Square.

But, don't worry you always in my mind.. Waiting you to come back Malaysia in 2 years time ya..

Good Luck and All the best!!! Miss you always...

15 Malaysia - Lumpur

Another film again.. Lumpur.. I like the way that the director present it.. Tanah and Air.. eventually become tanah air which is our home country!!